1. Sister Francesca’s Elegy / The Singer’s Grave (The Poems of Thomas MacDonagh 1924)
Music – Ar Éirinn Ní Neosfainn Cé Hi (Air)
Read by Katie McD, Muriel McAuley, Martin Butler; music by Eamonn Dillon
2. Isn’t it Pleasant for the Little Birds (Lyrical Poems, 1913)
Music Red is the Rose (Instrumental)
Read by Patrick Bergin, music by Kurt Bacher
3. The Little Barley Stack (Through The Ivory Gate, 1903)
Music, The Little Barley Stack (Hornpipe)
Read by Aedín Moloney, Music by Laura Ridarelli
4. The Night Hunt (Lyrical Poems, 1913)
Music, Devaneys Goat (Reel)
Read by Martin Maguire, Music by Paudie Walsh and Martin Butler
5. Knocknacree (Through The Ivory Gate, 1902)
Music, Burnside (Slow Air)
Read by Thomas O’Malley, Music by Paddy Moloney, Patrick Bowling, Colin Owens, Martin Butler
6. An Bonnán Buí (Amhrán) (See Track 30 for notes and for Thomas MacDonagh’s translation of this song into English, which is also often sung)
Sung by Liam Ó Maonlaí
7. May Day (The Irish Review May 1914)
Read by Ciaran Crawford
8. When in the Forenoon of the Year (Lyrical Poems, 1913)
Read by Denis O’Gorman
9. The Boys on the Hilltop (Set: Reels)
Played by Joey Abarta, Stuart Peak, Patrick Bowling, Louise Bichan and Martin Butler
10. I Heard A Music Sweet Today (Lyrical Poems 1913)
Music, Bábóg (Slow Air)
Spoken by Aoife Scott to music by Tommy McCarthy and Tommy Keane
11. In September (Songs of Myself, 1910)
Lonely Woods (Air)
Read by Michelle Drysdale, music by John Owens
12. Snow at Morning (Poetical Works of Thomas MacDonagh, 1916)
Yeats Lamentation (Lament)
Read by Warren O’Reilly, music by John Owens
13. The Man Upright (Lyrical Poems, 1913)
Music: The Butterfly (Slip Jig), The Swallowtail (Reel)
Read by Martin O’Malley, music by The Kitchen Jam Band
14. Aililiú na Gamhna (Amhrán)
Sung by Liam Hart
15. My School Days: Excerpt from Of My Poems (Lyrical Poems, 1913)
The Last March (March)
Read by Muriel McAuley, music by Rose Clancy and Janine Randall
16. Cormac Óg (Poetical Works of Thomas MacDonagh, 1916)
Arran Boat Song (Instrumental)
Featuring Colm O’Brien, music by The Kitchen Jam Band
17. For Eoghan (Songs of Myself, 1910)
Lament For Róisín
Read by Turlach MacDonagh and Patrick Davoren, music by Daniel Horn
18. Nuair a Bhí Mé Óg (from Of My Poems, in Poetical Works of Thomas MacDonagh, 1916)
Read by Martin Butler
19. Éamonn an Chnoic (Poetical Works of Thomas MacDonagh, 1916)
Sung by Liam Hart
20. Inscription On a Ruin (Poetical Works of Thomas MacDonagh, 1916)
Music – Celtic Fairytale (Theme)
Read by Patrick Bergin, music by Steffen Daum
21. To Ireland – In Memory of the things that came to pass in April and May 1798 (April and May 1903)
Kelly the Boy from Killane (March)
Sung by Colm O’Brien, music by the Dublin City Fire Brigade Band
22. The Wind that Shakes the Barley (Song)
Performed by Colm O’Brien, Cormac O’Brien, Torrin Ryan
23. Of a Poet Patriot (Lyrical Poems 1913)
Róisin Dubh (Slow Air)
Performed by four members of the MacDonagh family: Dylan MacDonagh, Michelle Drysdale, Turlach MacDonagh and Muriel McAuley; music by Daniel Horn
24. Grieve Not for Him (O’Donovan Rossa Funeral Brochure 1915)
Read by Colm O’Brien, music by Daniel Horn
25. Old Tipperary (Double Jig)
Played by Dan Jalonski and Steve O’Callahan
26. Old Tales (Through The Ivory Gate, 1902)
Read by Gene Clancy
27. Ned of the Hill (Song)
Sung by Katie McD, music by Joe Clapp and Caroline O’Shea
28. Envoi (Songs of Myself, 1910)
Music, The Parting of Friends (Waltz) by Turlough O’Carolan
Read by Martin Butler, music by Kurt Bacher
29. John-John (Songs of Myself 1910)
The Woman of the House (Reel)
Featuring Aoife Clancy
Music by Sean & John Connor, Stuart Peak
30. The Yellow Bittern (Lyrical Poems (1913)
An Bonnán Buí (Slow Air)
Sung by Martin Butler, music by Liam Ó Maonlaí, Torrin Ryan, Joe Clapp
31. The West’s Awake (Song by Thomas Davis)
Vocals & Piano by Monica Brennan, music by Rose Clancy, Fiddle; Chuck Parrish; Guitars,Kathleen Doran, Trumpet; Steve O’Callahan, Drums and Torrin Ryan, Uilleann Pipes